The Fault in our Society : He & They

Introverts have the power to rise up against the Illogical World.

His pen was still active. It was 2 Am. He was trying to write an epic by the ink of his tears. He shed an ocean of tears to let go of all water he might have on many occasions in the future. But is it really a curse to being an introvert? To be an emotional person? To show empathy to others?
Deep Silence & Oceans of Tears

The reality was beyond the imagination. He was a child by his heart and mind. He was like the mud. Many people came to his life to mold him according to their black intentions and he accepted their pressure. He mold himself according to others. But Everyone has different choices and points of view. Many people contributed to his life but he was blank Inside. Because he was not growing naturally but in pressure.

He tried his best to serve society but people judged him many times and broke him inside and outside. People show sympathy for physically broken people but what they do for someone who had lost his only hope. Who is surviving to help people living?

People were busy shouting the weight of their thoughts and expectations and he was just trying to please almost all of them. Nobody was trying to understand him. He was the one who was an expert in flying but everyone was forcing him to swim. The logic was - To fly, you should also learn to swim.

He was the witness of the cruel Society. That's why he embraced Silence. Silence doesn't exist for everyone. Have experience Standing on the edge or hanging by a thread, this world is gonna labeled you Mad.

Society and world judged him on the basis of his Silence. He was having dreams to Rise up Against this illogical world Not by logical debates but by illogical actions but lost somewhere in the middle of Their Expectations.
Silencio - Nueva identidad


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