How my birthday became Special? | Enlivening Emotions

I'll never forget my birthday... Everyone was wishing me a Happy Birthday but there was no one to listen me actually... Why they were celebrating my birthday while I'm no worthy of deserving some minutes from their time. That made me feel broken. Every single wish from all of them was panicking me. People are there but they are not there. Still trying to manage myself. Still trying to make all of my tears dry... It was raining in the living room... I was dancing in that deadly rain of tapped emotions... I was having too much illusions in my mind... One million Suicidal thoughts... But there was no one to listen to me... I was standing on the edge... Even the person whom I trusted more than anyone also repeated the same... I was out of my senses... Trying to hide my pain, Everyone abandoned me all alone... I become witness of this rain... Inside my living room... 


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