Love Matters | Enlivening Emotions

Simply let things arise and unfold naturally instead of formulating expectations and worrying. Things will usually turn out just perfectly.

Adopt her as she is. You might have some beautiful illusions for her in your mind but those beautiful thoughts are ugly enough to destroy your Relationship & kill one soul and million emotions. Welcome her with warm words and see her growing. Sometimes she might need you, just embrace her and pass one smile. It's enough for her to keep going towards achieving her dreams. 
She is ready to do anything for your happiness. Even the dreams she has to chase are based on your wishes and expectations on one level. She is waiting to know your expectations to make you feel special. But, want to see the most beautiful scenario of happiness?  Embrace and support her in her Journey.

You know, She is like a flower growing in the lap of nature. Let her evolve and bloom. Her beauty exists in Divinity. Divinity is the right opposite word of the words, actions, Beliefs, .and Expectations of the society according to this context. She trusts you more than her. Please Please Please. Strong her trust and promise her to maintain that natural divinity. 

You are the most beautiful flower in my world. Doesn't matter whether you're a part of my story or not. I'll love you more and more.




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