Colours of Infinity | Enlivening Emotions

Wearing the dark memories of my life this night, I'm Rejoicing my own presence.

15th March It is. The clock is gesturing 11:11. I'm still awaking inspired by the sweet pain of beautiful Past memories I have inside me. Past in which one character played a vital role and she is Shivangi.

As the common affirmation describes that Every successful person has the contribution of one woman behind his success, it's very true in my story as well.

I am successful on my own terms. The present moment in which I'm breathing the O2 full of the adorable fragrance of her presence in my story. 

Shivangi is the most important personality who shaped my present and filled my life with rainbow colors of Infinity.

The starting of the story is pretty exciting. I was fifteen when my friend Monu introduced her to me as his soulmate. Monu was my classmate actually and we both were so close that we were sharing each other's passwords and financial wages.

Being a classmate of Monu, I overlapped on her soulmate guided by the calling of competition zone in which we were vibrating inside our schooling campus.

And it was the most beautiful thing I have ever done in my life. I don't know the exact important dates of my Relationship with Shivangi but I remember the Vibes I was getting and living the feelings of meeting her.

Meeting her was an experience of getting connected with someone who has a deep connection with us but for a long time, exists much far from us.

Those were the days when I realized my capabilities and the power that I was having. It's natural and obvious because someone was shaping my reality on her canvas of dreams and future plans.

Someone was making me feel worthy of Respect, Love & Joy. It's a positive experience that only true lovers can understand. 

Waiting for her messages on Facebook while using the internet on 2G mobile phone with the weakest networks and still hoping for the best. That experience made me a good devotee of Supreme power that was managing my internet speed, mobile battery and typing speed at that moment.

I was no longer having fear of rejection because I was aware that even the whole world rejects me, someone is still here waiting for me and only me to hug me and accept me unconditionally.

I realized my tapped potential in those days. It was truly a time full of a roller coaster of excitement. Talking to her just for 2-3 minutes a day was the most powerful manifestation of a happy & peaceful day.

But being in a zone of competition with Monu, I tried to grab her on my side and that caused the weather of my life got change instantly into heavy rain. 

Actually the thing was I asked her for a distance of about 1-2 weeks for my board examination and at that time Monu took her far away from me.

That caused one incident in my life when I was feeling the emotions of being abandoned. Because I was having my best friend and soulmate at stake. The decision was hard to make just because of the consequences sitting next to that.

But I choose to bring Peace instead of choosing Being Right. That woven the beginning of my excellent career. I build one thought that I have to do something big that can help me bring her back to me herself. I founded one Social Initiative that took Global Shape and helped me explore myself.

Then I diverted my pain in my study and that helped me secure excellent ranks in my 11th and Intermediate. After Intermediate, just because of some emotional mismatch, I quitted with Monu.

It was the time when I published one book of mine, attributed as a special guest in various events and founded various social initiatives. Then I meet one Startup waiting to get upscaled. I put my potential there and contributed to raising that high.

It was the moment when I healed myself. Healing is a confusing and complex process. It doesn't look like the swish of a magic wand as soon as the words 'I Forgive You' are said. It often seems like it's been resolved at the moment and then suddenly resurfaces, unannounced as our Emotional balance churns to spit out doubts, loneliness and self-hate. 

Someone told me that It eventually gets better, without any sort of explanation you just wake up one morning and you're not as upset anymore. But I'm Completely Healed. This is the only lie that has convinced me to live it like a Truth.

My ssouLkeepers assumes that I still love Shivangi. But the truth is I'm grateful for her contribution and have feelings of love inspired by the practice of daily gratefulness. There are many colors of Love. Mine one is Very Deep but Simple.

This is my story me. I'm waiting to make it complete. Manifesting for a better soulmate as my soulkeepeers inspired me to do, I'm getting hope by the sun that is hanged into the sky and shining Bright like my Present.

To be Continued...


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